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Meet the choir

Service Children’s Community Choir Committee 2022

Angela Campbell and Beki Bulmer are the Choir Directors and have been involved since the very beginning of the project.  Both give their time voluntarily and have worked hard over the years to grow and develop the choir.  Angela is a former Primary School Teacher and now works as the Service Children's Champion for North Yorkshire.  Beki has also worked in schools as a HLTA and Governor for many years whilst also developing a succesful out of school childcare business called PT Childcare.

Liz Latta is our wonderful Music Specialist and leads the choir, building their confidence and teaching them about the structure of each piece, introducing new musical terms and all while accompanying them beautifully on a grand piano.  From September 2024 we will be joined by a new member to the team, Benjamin Noble, who also works with the Military WAGS Choir in Catterick.  He is highly experienced and great fun to work with.  We can't wait to start working with him.



Choir Team Members

Meet the Choir Members

Children’s Testimonials

  • "I am so glad I joined the choir. I never thought I'd be able to stand up and sing in front of hundreds of people but having lots of (new) friends around me and singing as a group I feel so proud of myself and it makes me so happy. The songs are really fun."

    Amelia aged 7

  • "The songs are really jazzy and fun to learn. Also Welcome Home reminds me of my dad and how I felt when he came back from being away."

    Tobias aged 8

  • "Joining the choir has really improved my self-belief and confidence. I love being part of the Service Children’s Community Choir family. I especially enjoy helping the younger members of our choir."

    Orla aged 13

  • "Performing on Britain’s Got Talent is something I will never forget. It was incredible and made believe that anything is possible if you try hard enough!"

    Seren aged 10

  • "It's nice because I get to meet new people. I’ve made lots of new friends by joining the choir. The choir makes me happy and the songs are good."

    Molly aged 7

Parent Testimonials

  • "Having recently returned from Kuwait our daughter has found the choir to be the perfect way to make friends and grow confidence in a new school, new surroundings and all whilst away from family, it's a completely new context. As parents it has given our weekends purpose and structure, it's brought us together in support of our daughter and we love seeing all the children embrace the identity of being a military child. So often they just absorb the downside to serving parents but this is their chance to see the benefits. They make us proud everyday."


  • "As a parent, I love the confidence I have seen developing in Isla from being part of the choir. I think it gives the children a huge sense of inclusion, safety and certainty to be part of something. Especially when they embrace it so passionately and inspire one another, as I have seen within the group."


  • "From my point of view I am amazed with the confidence growing from Neve with each and every performance. I never would have said she would have got up in front of the crowds she has done before joining the choir. I'm so proud of her and all of the choir. The military connection they all share regardless of which service their parent/step parent is in helps them know they are not alone in their journey."
